Leeds Beckett University. Opening Minds. Opening Doors

Here at Leeds Beckett, we offer a wide range of Masters and Undergraduate courses that start in January 2016. Our vision is to be acknowledged for our commitment to student success, innovation and enterprise, global reach, and strong local impact. We offer 50% scholarship to student on merit based and give 10% early payment discounts to all International students. Get your offers in 24 hours (Waec accepted at C^ and Neco at C5) Subject areas ranges from Architecture, Computer, Business & Management Law Accounting, Finance & Economics Media & Communications Tourism, Hospitality & Events, Sport Management. 

For more on our courses visit http://courses.leedsbeckett.ac.uk
To find out more Please contact the In-country Representatives in Nigeria:

Adenike Omotosho                                    Farida Ahmed Sa'id                                                                                    
Leeds Beckett University                           Leeds Beckett University
In-country Representatives                         In country Representative
Valley View Plaza                                        at BCIE Abuja Branch,
3rd Floor, 99 Opebi road                                      
24B Djibouti Crescent, off Freetown Street, Ikeja, Lagos.                                      Behind Rockview Hotel,
Email :   A.omotosho@leedsbeckett.ac.uk    5th building after Zartech,
Mobile081-08151627 ,                              Wuse 2, Abuja.
Landline: 01-3427663                                 Email: f.s.ahmed@leedsbeckett.ac.uk
Tel: 081-095-326-17
Mobile: 090-217-423-28
Leeds Beckett University. Opening Minds. Opening Doors Leeds Beckett University. Opening Minds. Opening Doors Reviewed by Unknown on 03:22 Rating: 5

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