T B Joshua Weds Michelle Obama : - Must Read

He is a friend that I enjoy exchanging banters with-via BBM. Recently, he’s been rather ‘brief’ with me .When I could not bear it anymore, I called his attention to my observation and asked what the problem was. He apologized profusely and told me that he never noticed he was that way with me. He explained that he’s just made some investments that are threatening to leave some holes in his pocket if the proceeds don’t start coming in soon. He then asked “HOW COME YOU NOTICED MY TROUBLED ATTITUDE BUT THE WOMAN I HAVE AT HOME DIDN’T?”

My lecture starts thus…

Dear TILBer, You are not Michelle Obama. Your spouse is not a T B Joshua and your home is not a synagogue. Your hubby does not just look at you and know what your issue is. Much as a level of closeness necessitates that you get concerned and go out of your way to ask questions when you notice a change in your partner’s demeanor but some people have rather carried the sour face scenario (whenever they walk through the door of their homes) too far …that a spouse who knows better has resorted to carrying on as if he/she has noticed nothing or gives the sour faced one some space until he /she comes around. I mean, nobody wants to deal with someone’s moodiness all the time; they have their own issues too. Why is it your own wahala that should send everyone scampering about? A matured person talks things over with his better half… problem shared is half solved!

I tell couples that there is nothing as therapeutic as sharing the experiences (the bad, the good and the ugly) of your day with your spouse in the bedroom/on the couch in the sitting room (after dinner), on the patio (probably over a bottle of wine), then praying with or encouraging each other afterwards.
Don’t make the sour face a regular feature in your affairs with your spouse; lest they begin to think ‘whatever’ that is bringing on the sour face in you has to do with them. Nobody is a mind reader, learn to communicate your ‘issues’ so that whoever that is relating with you will be well guided-on the why of any change of attitude on your part…otherwise, they are bound to take it the wrong way!

After explaining and talking your issues over, Also rememebr that he is still not T B Joshua. Your man cannot wave his hand or sprinkle you with holy water and your  problems dissappear. Your man is exactly who he is. A mere human being so you must also learn to be patient while he addresses your issues. Give him time and encourage his efforts. There may not be any quick fixes like in the synagogue.

In the above image. Michelle was obviously hurting. All she could have done is tap her man and whisper into his ears. That would have saved them the media drama. Thank God her hubby had a lil bit of T B Joshua in him because he quickly realized his error and applied a quick fix. You may not be so lucky with yours.
T B Joshua Weds Michelle Obama : - Must Read T B Joshua Weds Michelle Obama : - Must Read Reviewed by Unknown on 10:24 Rating: 5

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