Dencia enlisted to speak at the Beauty Innovation Summit & Awards,LA

Ddencia has been invited to speak at the Beauty Innovation Summit & Awards taking place next month..It's a very prestigious event with all the big players in the beauty industry in attendance..
The Whitenicious boss shared the news on instagram
"I'm honored to be invite to participate as a speaker at the beauty innovation summit & awards next month in Beverly Hills. This is an exclusive invitation only event attended by senior level executives in the beauty industry. Whitenicious started as a dream and now I'm getting recognized by the multi billion dollar beauty industry. I get to network and speak alongside retailers, beauty innovators and people I admire. #BelieveInYourSelf "
Dencia enlisted to speak at the Beauty Innovation Summit & Awards,LA Dencia enlisted to speak at the Beauty Innovation Summit & Awards,LA Reviewed by Unknown on 10:47 Rating: 5

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